31 March 2014

Zoya Jacqueline

Jeste li se umorili od živih boja? Imam nešto neutralno za vas danas - Zoya Jacqueline. Zoya lakovi ne sadrže toluen, dibutil ftalat, formalin, formalinski rezin, kamfor, sastojke životinjskog porekla i ne testiraju se na životinjama. Svi lakovi dolaze u bočicama od 15 ml. Obični lakovi koštaju 560 dinara, a Pixie Dust 700 dinara. Zoya lakove možete nabaviti u Ultra Sun, bilo uživo bilo preko interneta, kao i kod njihovih distributera u Beogradu, Čačku i Nišu.

Are you tired of vibrant colours? I have something neutral for you today - Zoya Jacqueline. Zoya polishes come in 15 ml bottles. They don't contain toluene, camphor, formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin, dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and animal products and are not tested on animals.

30 March 2014

Matching Manicures - video igra

Današnji usklađeni manikiri su inspirisani vide igrama. Pošto je moje iskustvo sa igrama veoma skromno, a ono što igram ili sam igrala je suviše kompleksno da bih mogla da prenesem na nokte odlučila sam se za jednu od prvih igara koje sam igrala - Space Invaders. Jednostavnost dizajna mi nije pomogla jer je ovaj manikir jedan veliki neuspeh, no ipak sam želela da vam ga pokažem i da vas zamolim za savet. Kako se vi borite protiv "končića" koji se stvore od laka? Lakovi koje sam koristila su Don Juan One Coat OC229 i Don Juan LK101.

Today's Matching Manicures are inspired by video games. Since my gaming experience is very modest and most of the games I play or have played are too complex for me to turn into a manicure I settled on one of the first games I have ever played - Space Invaders. Simplicity of this design didn't help me because this whole mani turned out to be a big fail, but I wanted to share it with you and as you for advice. How do you deal with nail polish "threads"? Polishes used for this mani are Don Juan One Coat OC229 and Don Juan LK101.

29 March 2014

MoYou Nails 107

Image plate 107

Nedavno sam morala znatno da skratim nokte jer sam slomila jedan na levoj ruci. Na svu sreću na desnoj mi nijedan nije pukao i, mada sam ih skratila, ipak deluju reprezentativnije od onih na levoj. Ovo je zgodna prilika da pokažem kako se i nedominantnom rukom može lepo pečatirati i da pečatiranje nije bauk. Ukoliko niste ubeđeni u to, slobodno bacite pogled na moj članak o osnovama pečatiranja. Nadam se da će vam olakšati pečatiranje ili vas navesti da ga probate. Pločica koju ovom prilikom predstavljam je treća od osam novih MoYou Nails pločica.

Rimmel Black Cherries preko Depend 318

I had to shorten my nails significantly because I broke one of my nails on left hand. Fortunately, I had no breakages on my right hand and, although I did file them down, these nails look more representative than those on the left hand. This is also a fine opportunity to show how stamping with your non-dominant hand is not a bogeyman. If you are not convinced feel free to look at my article on basic stamping. I hope it will make nail stamping easier for you or that it will motivate you to try it. The stamping plate I'll be using this time is the third of eight newly released MoYou Nails image plates.

28 March 2014

China Glaze Merry Berry

Ovo je lak koji sam priželjkivala čim se pojavila najava, ali nisam žurila da ga kupim jer imam već dosta crvenih lakova slične nijanse. Kako sam u međuvremenu neke razdelila, a neke potrošila lako sam odlučila da uzmem ovaj. Ovo je i prvi lak koji sam kupila ove godine. China Glaze lakovi sadrže 14 ml i mogu se kupiti u Alexandar Cosmetics i kod njihovih distributera.

This is the polish I have wanted ever since the previews appeared, but I didn't rush to buy it because I have already had many similar red polishes. I have used up some of those polishes and gave some of them away in the meantime so it was easy to me to get this one at last. This is also the first polish I bought this year.

26 March 2014

Essence Colour & go 146 That's What I Mint!

Još jedan lak koji sam koristila za pečatiranje kada sam isprobavala MoYou Nails 106 je Essence That's What I Mint. Essence lakovi ne sadrže DBP, toluen, formalinski rezin i kamfor. Imaju 8 ml i koštaju 219 dinara. Mogu se nabaviti u DM i Lilly drogerijama.

Another polish I have used when I did a review of MoYou Nails 106 is Essence That's What I Mint. Essence polishes are big 5-free (don't contain formaldehyde, dibutyl phthalate (DBP), toluene, formaldehyde resin and camphor). They come in 8 ml bottles and have wide, flat, rounded brush.

24 March 2014

Golden Rose Rich Color 16

Kako sam neko vreme bila u potrazi za savršenim ultramarin-teget-mastiljavim lakom koji bi zamenio moj nikad neprežaljeni Kost koji sam razbila u detinjstvu put me je naneo i na Golden Rose Rich Color 16. Rich Color lakovi imaju 10,5 ml i široku, pljosnatu, zaobljenu četkicu. Koštaju 120 dinara u parfimeriji Kristabell, a verujem da se cena ne razlikuje mnogo na drugim mestima.

As I've been looking for an ultramarine-inky-navy polish that would substitute a never forgotten Kost polish I broke when I was child I was led to Golden Rose Rich Color 16. Rich Color polishes come in 10.5 ml bottles and have wide, flat, rounded brush.

23 March 2014

Classics Charming 68

Classics Charming 68 je poslednji Classics lak koji sam kupila. Ne bih ga uzela da nisam bila zamoljena da uradim ortaku crtež GIRa za koji nisam imala prigodan zeleni lak. Na paleti mi je ovaj delovao odgovarajuće pa se ispostavilo da ipak nije te je sve do sada čekao da ga isprobam. Classics kozmetiku proizvodi ista kompanija koja drži Golden Rose. Lakovi imaju 7,5 ml i koštaju oko 50 dinara. Bilo ih je u Pharmacity apotekama i u parfimeriji Godina. Već dugo ne zagledam ove lakove pa ne znam ima li ih više uopšte u ponudi.

Classics Charming 68 is the last Classics polish I have bought. I got it because I was asked to do GIR nail art for which I haven't had a fitting green. From swatch wheel this one seemed to be suitable, but it turned out it isn't so it had to wait this long to be tried. Classics cosmetics is made by the same company that makes Golden Rose - Erkul cosmetics. I only have tried out Classics nail polishes. This polish is from Charming line. They come in 7.5 ml bottles. The range of colours (available in our stores) isn't great.

22 March 2014

China Glaze Neon & On & On

Čudnim sticajem okolnosti posle jednog lakodruženja se kod mene privremeno zadesio roze neonac, vlasništvo Ivone sa bloga http://sarenebocice.weebly.com. Uz dozvolu vlasnice sam zadovoljila radoznalost i probala prvi China Glaze neonac. Hvala, Ivona. China Glaze lakovi sadrže 14 ml i mogu se kupiti u Alexandar Cosmetics i kod njihovih distributera.

By some strange turn of events after one meeting of polishaholics a pink neon polish, property of Ivona from http://sarenebocice.weebly.com blog, ended up in my temporary custody. With owners permission I quenched my curiosity and tried China Glaze neon polish. Thank you, Ivona.

21 March 2014

MoYou Nails 106

Prošli put kada sam pečatirala sam spomenula da je MoYou Nails izbacio osam novih pločica za pečatiranje. Od tih osam pola ima motive za francuski manikir. Pločica 106 mi je odmah privukla pažnju jer osim šest motiva koji su jasno za francuski manikir ima i dugačak centralni motiv koji se može nositi kao frenč, ali i drugačije. Zapravo sam pokušala za tu šaru da napravim izgled starog papira, ali nisam sigurna da sam uspela u toj nameri. O tome što mi je nadlak razmazao boju da ne pričam. Sam motiv je veoma dobro urezan, ravan i dugačak 2 cm. Nije potrebno tražiti uglove za grebanje i prenošenje dezena - i jedno i drugo je najlakše raditi u smeru pružanja notnih linija.

Last time I showed you some stamping I had mentioned that MoYou Nails had released eight new image plates. Out of eight, half are for French manicure. Stamping plate 106 drew my attention because aside from six designs for French tips it has a long central motif one can use for French manicure, but for other manicures as well. I actually wanted to depict old paper look for this design, but I'm not sure I succeeded. Not to mention top coat smudging the polish. The motif itself is well etched, straight and 2 cm long. You don't need to look for scraping and picking up directions and angles - going along the stave works best for both.

19 March 2014

p2 Sand Style 110 Classy

U novembru sam imala sreću da je divna blogokoleginica Luchessa bila raspoložena za razmenu i poslala mi je neke divne lakove koji se kod nas ne mogu naći u zamenu za neke divne lakove koji se ne mogu naći u Nemačkoj. Pošto sam već imala oduševljavajuće iskustvo sa p2 Sand Style lakovima (sećate li se Confidential?) znala sam da ću je zamoliti za nekoliko ovih lakova iz jesenje kolekcije. Classy mi je bio na vrhu liste želja i naravno da je bio prvi koji sam isprobala. p2 je DMov brend inicijalno posvećen nezi i ulepšavanju noktiju, mada sada imaju i šminku. Može se nabaviti samo u Nemačkoj i Austriji.

Last November I was fortunate enough to have dear fellow blogger Luchessa accept my swap proposal and send me some lovely polishes we can't get here in exchange for some lovely polishes unavailable in Germany. After my thrilling experience with p2 Sand Style polishes (remember Confidential?) I knew I'd ask her for some shades from autumn collection. Classy was on the top of my wish list and it was naturally the first one I have tried. p2 is one of DMs brands that was initially dedicated to nail care and nail beauty, but now has make up too. It is available in Germany and Austria.

17 March 2014

Don Juan Excessive EX14

Don Juan je zimus izbacio kolekciju pod nazivom Excessive Rough & Rich. Ovo su šljokičavi lakovi koji bi valjda trrebalo da budu teksturisani (pretpostavljam na osnovu "rough" dela naziva). Zanimljivo mi je da među 18 lakova koji nose inventivna imena EX00-EX18 nema laka EX13. Don Juan Excessive lakovi sadrže 12 ml i koštaju oko 250 dinara.

This winter Don Juan placed new collection called Excessive Rough & Rich on the market. This is a line of 18 supposedly textured glittery polishes (the "rough" part of the name is indicative of that). What I find interesting is that among these 18 polishes very inventively named EX00-EX18 there is no polish named EX13. Don Juan Excessive polishes come in 12 ml bottles and retail for about 2 €.

Kao što rekoh, na osnovu naziva pretpostavljam da ovi lakovi treba da budu teksturisani, ali ova tekstura je veoma blaga i da nije matirana ovi lakovi se ne bi razlikovali od običnih šljokičavih lakova. Ako neko želi da proba teksturisane lakove, a nije spreman za baš grubu teksturu, ovi lakovi su okej izbor. Veoma su svetlucavi jer su zaista bogati šljokicama. EX14 ima narandžastu bazu i metalik narandžaste šljokice. Na suncu izgleda kao sveže pretopljeni bakar. Dva sloja su potrebna za punu boju i ravnomernu pokrivenost. Brzina sušenja je prosečna za običan lak, spora za teksturac. Postojanost je dobra. Bela linija mi se pojavila tek posla puna dva dana nošenja. Ovaj lak sam koristila za jučerašnji usklađeni manikir. Sve slike su snimljene u senci. Imam dva sloja laka i nemam nadlak.

As I was saying, based on the name I guess these were supposed to be textured polishes, but the texture is so mild and if the polish wasn't matte these wouldn't be any different than regular glittery polish. These would be a good choice for someone who'd like to try textured polishes but isn't ready for very rough sand style polishes. They are also really sparkly because of all the glitter. EX14 is orange-based and has metallic orange glitter. In sun it looks like freshly molten copper. It takes two coats for full colour and even coverage. Drying time is average for regular polish, slow for textured polish. Durability is fine. I had slight tipwear only after two whole days. I have used this polish for yesterday's Matching manicure. All photos were taken in shade. I have two coats of polish and no top coat.

16 March 2014

Matching Manicures - Leptiri

Leptiri su tema današnjeg usklađenog manikira. Isprva sam htela da ih pečatiram, ali sam ipak odlučila da probam nešto novo. Koristila sam uputstvo sa sajta Nail art 101. Nisam sigurna koliko zaista moji nokti podsećaju na leptirovo krilo, ali dopada mi se kako je manikir ispao. Lakovi koje sam koristila su Don Juan Excessive EX14, Flormar True Color 027 i Don Juan LK101.

Butterflies are the theme of today's Matching Manicures. At first I wanted to do some stamping, but I decided to do something new instead. The tutorial I used is from Nail art 101. I am not sure how much my nails resemble butterfly wings, but I do like the look of this mani. Don Juan Excessive EX14, Flormar True Color 027 and Don Juan LK101.

15 March 2014

Prvi sajam kozmetike Svet lepote

Danas i sutra se u Kombank Areni održava prvi Svet lepote - sajam i kongres posvećen primenjenoj kozmetici. Cilj Sajma je da na jednom mestu okupi najpoznatije svetske i domaće brendove, kao i eminentne stručnjake iz sveta kozmetike. Ovaj sajam nije prvenstveno namenjen krajnjem potrošaču, mada ima ponude i za nas, već pre svega uslužnoj delatnosti. Ukoliko poželite da posetite Svet lepote znajte da je ulaz sa južne strane, da karta košta 250 dinara i da im je radno vreme od 10 do 19 časova.

14 March 2014

MoYou Nails 101

Image plate 101

MoYou Nails je nedavno ponudio tržištu osam novih pločica za pečatiranje, a ja imam zadovoljstvo da vam predstavim tri od njih, počevši od pločice 101. MoYou Nails inače trenutno prolazi kroz neke promene, uglavnom u pogledu sajta. Novine koje se nalaze na novim pločicama (100-107) su izgled logoa na pakovanju, veličina logoa na pločicama i što umesto www.omgnails.com sada i na pakovanju i na poleđini pločica piše www.moyounails.com. Takođe su promenili Facebook stranicu i sada se umesto na OMG Nails nalaze na MOYOU Nails. Veličina, oblik i kvalitet samih pločica su nepromenjeni. Takođe trenutno imaju akciju gde možete slati svoje dezene za veliku ploču (200 dezena) i ukoliko vaš dezen bude izabran da se nađe na njoj dobićete celu tablu čim bude proizvedena. Svoje predloge možete slati na ilana@omgnails.co.uk.

Don Juan OC 230 preko Classics Charming 50

MoYou Nails recently placed eight new stamping plates on the market and I will have the pleasure to review three of them, starting with plate #101. MoYou Nails has lately introduced some changes, mostly in their website. What is new and different on new image plates (100-107) are the look of logo on packaging, size of logo on plates and changing www.omgnails.com to www.moyounails.com on both the packaging and the back of image plates. They have also switched from OMG Nails Facebook page to MOYOU Nails. Size, shape and quality of stamping plates remains unchanged. They have a contest for new designs for large image board (200 images). You can send your ideas to ilana@omgnails.co.uk and if your design is chosen you shall receive the board as soon as it is manufactured.

12 March 2014

Born Pretty Holo Polish #12

Napokon nas je ponovo obasjalo sunce i eto meni savršene prilike da nosim i slikam još jednog holo lepotana. Ovog puta je u pitanju Born Pretty Holo Polish #12. Born Pretty holo lakovi sadrže svega 6 ml i prilično su skupi po redovnoj ceni od 12,88 $, ali veoma često su na sniženju pa ih možete kupiti i po 60% nižoj ceni. Trenutna cena im je 5,59 $.

We finally have some sunshine so I can wear and show you another holo gorgeousness. This time it is Born Pretty Holo Polish #12. Born Pretty holo polishes come in 6 ml bottles and at regular retail price of $ 12.88 they are quite expensive. Fortunately, they are often offered at up to 60 % discount. At the moment their discounted price is $ 5.59.

10 March 2014

Morgan Taylor New York State of Mind

Danas vam predstavljam lak koji ste mogli da nazrete ispod mog usklađenog manikira za celofansku nedelju - Morgan Taylor New York State of Mind. Jedan je od dva Morgan Taylor laka koja su mi odmah privukla pažnju, no koje nisam mogla odmah da nabavim jer ih na sajmu kada su prvi put predstavljeni kod nas nije bilo, a kasnije su mi stalno izmicali. No, u decembru sam uspela da kupim oba, ali nisam htela da ih pokazujem dok ne završim sa lakovima koje sam dobila za recenziju. Poput drugih Morgan Taylor lakova ni ovaj ne sadrži formalin, dibutilftalat i toluen i nije testiran na životinjama. Bočice su od 15 ml i koštaju 864 dinara. O novinama se možete informisati na Morgan Taylor Srbija stranici, a lakove možete nabaviti kod uvoznika GP Contour u Novom Sadu i Beogradu.

Today I present you the polish you could glimpse under my saran wrap Matching Manicure - Morgan Taylor New York State of Mind. This is one of two Morgan Taylor polishes that immediately caught my attention, but they were still unavailable at the cosmetics fair and after they kept slipping through my fingers. But I did manage do buy them both finally last December, but didn't want to show them before I finished trying the polishes I received for reviews. Morgan Taylor polishes are big 3-free and cruelty free. They come in 15 ml bottles and have wide flat brush.

09 March 2014

Matching Manicures - Vintage

Za ovonedeljni usklađeni manikir sam znala šta želim da radim čim je tema predložena. Želela sam da uradim diskretno pečatiranje koje bi dočaralo starinski mebl štof, draperije ili tapete od žakara. Teže mi je bilo da odaberem lakove koje bih koristila, ali na kraju sam odlučila da za bazu koristim lak koji sam mazala za tematski petak (OPI I Brake For Manicures), a za pečatiranje sam koristila srodnu nijansu Flormar 418. Šara koju sam pečatirala je centralni motiv sa MoYou Nails pločice #75. Opet je moje pečatiranje ispalo skoro suviše suptilno, no tako sam i želela da bude da bih dočarala tu razliku u teksturi tkanja tekstila, a na slikama sa blicom se jasno vidi šara.

I have know what I wanted to do for this week's Matching Manicures theme from the moment the theme was suggested. I wanted to do subtle stamping that would evoke the look and feel of vintage jacquard upholstery fabric, drapes or wallpaper. The harder part was picking polishes I'd use, but I settled on the polish I picked for Themed Friday (OPI I Brake For Manicures), and I chose the stamping shade from the same colour family, Flormar 418. The design I stamped is the central motif from MoYou Nails 75 image plate. The stamping turned out to be almost too subtle, but that is the way I wanted it to be so I could depict the difference in the weave of the textile. Flash photos show the pattern better.

08 March 2014

Deborah Prêt à Porter 25 Emerald Bijoux

Emerald Bijoux je lak koji sam prvi put videla kada ga je Jipijej mazala za On The Edge tematski petak na Ani. Pošto je odlučila je da ga prosledi, a meni nisu dovoljni On The Edge (i rezerve) i Emerald Fitzgerald pružila sam mu nov dom. Ovaj lak je bio deo Deborah Prêt à Porter kolekcije iz 2011. godine i više se ne može naći.

Emerald Bijoux is a polish I first saw when Jipijej picked it for her entry for On The Edge Themed Friday. Since she decided to give it away, and On The Edge (and a backup bottle) and Emerald Fitzgerald weren't enough for me, I took this one in. This polish was part of Deborah Prêt à Porter 2011. collection and has since been discontinued.

07 March 2014

Twee & Honey The Nirvana of Inebriation

Dugo nisam radila članak paralelno sa tematskim petkom, ali kako je ovog petka tema lak koji nam najduže stoji neisproban, a vreme je pre neki dan bilo lepo, taman sam mogla da konačno isprobam Twee & Honey The Nirvana of Inebriation - lak koji mi stoji neisproban od decembra 2012. godine kada sam ga dobila kao deo nagrade koju sam osvojila kod Naked Without Polish. Poput Hipster Zombie, The Nirvana of Inebriation ima 15 ml i na dnu ima ručno ispisanu etiketu na kojoj piše broj laka, ime laka i datum proizvodnje. Twee & Honey na žalost ne šalje lakove van Amerike.

It's been quite some time since I last did a Themed Friday post at the time I'm taking part in one. This week our theme are the oldest untrieds from our stashes and I can finally try and present you Twee & Honey The Nirvana of Inebriation - the polish that's been untried since December 2012. when I received it as part of prize on one of Naked Without Polish's giveaways. Like Hipster Zombie The Nirvana of Inebriation comes in 15 ml bottle and has hand written label on the bottom with the name and number of the polish as well as production date. Unfortunately Twee & Honey doesn't ship outside North America.

05 March 2014

Mat nadlakovi

Karaja The Mat Maker - Flormar Matifying Top-Coat - Miss Sporty Check Matte - L'Oreal Top Coat Matte - Aura Matte Top Coat

Vidim da je jedan od čestih upita koji dovodi posetioce na moj blog upravo razlika među nekim mat nadlakovima ili mat nadlakovi uopšte. Pošto je od mog poslednjeg poređenja prošlo dosta vremena, a u međuvremenu sam nabavila još matirajućih lakova sada vam ih predstavljam na okupu, jedne pored drugih. Ovo poređenje nema za cilj da nađe "najbolji" matirajući nadlak jer svaki od ovih koje ću vam predstaviti ima svoje prednosti i mane, a ne treba zaboraviti ni da ne tražimo svi isti efekat, isti stepen matiranosti. Golden Rose Matte Top Coat sam kupila pošto sam već spremila ovaj članak te nije uključen u poređenje, ali ovde ću reći da je tačno između Karaja i Flormar matirajućih.

I have noticed one of more frequent inquiries that brings visitors to my blog is comparison among mattifying top coats and matte top coats in general. Since it's been quite some time since I last did a comparison of this sort and I have bought several other matte top coats in the meantime, I shall present them to you now side by side. The object of this comparison is not to find "the best" mattifying top coat because every one of these has good and bad sides and we shouldn't forget that not all of us are looking for the same level of matte effect. I had bought Golden Rose Matte Top Coat only after I have already finished this comparison so that one isn't included, but I can say that it falls right between Karaja and Flormar top coats.

03 March 2014

Kiko 644 Blu Mare

Letos sam u Milanu sa uživanjem isprobavala Kiko lakove. Jedan od lakova koji mi je tada privukao pažnju bio je Blu Mare iz Sugar Mat kolekcije. Sugar Mat je bila sezonska Kiko kolekcija koja se sastojala od 16 teksturisanih lakova - 8 lakova sa šimerom ili šljokicama i 8 jednobojnih lakova bez ikakvog šimera. Ovi lakovi se više ne mogu nabaviti, makar ne pojedinačno. Redovna cena im je bila oko 5 €, ali ja sam ih uhvatila na sniženju za 1,5 €. Pakovanje je od 11 ml.

I enjoyed trying out Kiko polishes last summer in Milan. One of the polishes that had caught my eye was Blu Mare from Sugar Mat collection. Sugar Mat was a seasonal collection that consisted of 16 textured polishes - 8 with shimmer or glitter and 8 without any shimmer. These can't be found any more, at least not individually. Their regular price was around 5 €, but I bought this one at sales for only 1.5 €. The bottle holds 11 ml of polish.

02 March 2014

Matching Manicures - Saran Wrap Mani

Za današnju temu za usklađeni manikir je odabram saran wrap manikir, tj. manikir napravljen uz pomoć zgužvanog celofana. Ovaj manikir se radi veoma jednostavno - na sloj suvog laka za nokte se nanosi sloj drugačijeg laka za nokte i potom se zgužvanim celofanom tapka po tom sloju kako bi se lak na pojedinim mestima skinuo. Na taj način se može dobiti zanimljiv mramoriani efekat ako se koriste prigodni lakovi. Moj izbor na žalost nije tako uspešan i krajnji rezultat, mada lep, nije jasno da je postignut ovom tehnikom. Za bazu imam Morgan Taylor New York State of Mind, a za gornji sloj sam odabrala Color Club Golden Girl. Da li zbog grbavosti NY State of Mind ili zbog stepena zgužvanosti celofana moj manikir izgleda kao da je rađen sunđerom, što nije bila ideja. Dopada mi se ovaj starinski, vremešeni izgled.

This week's Matching Manicures theme is saran wrap mani, ie. manicure done with cellophane. This is a simple mani to do - you apply a fresh coat of polish over dry coat of different polish and tap over it with bunched up cellophane in order to remove some of the upper layer, thus allowing the bottom colour to show. You can achieve very nice marble effect this way if you choose your polishes well. My choice, sadly, wasn't that great and the end result, while beautiful, isn't clearly saran wrap manicure look. I picked Morgan Taylor New York State of Mind for my base colour and Color Club Golden Girl for my upper layer. I don't know if it is due to bumpiness of NY State of Mind or because of how bunched up my cellophane was, but my mani looks as if it was sponged, which wasn't my intention. I do like this antiquated look though.

01 March 2014


Februar dođe i prođe. Verovali ili ne ovog meseca nemam mnogo šta da prijavim od noviteta. Kupila sam samo Aura Matte top coat, Golden Rose Matte top coat i Hemel kremicu za nokte i dobila sam nove MoYou Nails pločice za pečatiranje, koje jedva čekam da vam pokažem.

February has come and gone. Believe it or not, I have very few new nails-related products to declare. I have only bought Aura and Golden Rose matte top coats and Hemel nail and cuticle cream. I can't wait to show you new MoYou Nails stamping plates I received for review.
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