31 May 2015

Matching Manicures - Stamping

Dugo nisam pečatirala pa evo prilike da to učinim za usklađeni manikir. :D Šalim se, naravno, ali ovog puta pečatiranje radim na malo drugačiji način. Odlučila sam da isprobam par tehnika koje nisam - pravljenje pečatiranih nalepnica i lead-lighting tehniku. Morala sam da uposlim sve pečate koje imam i nadam se da će vam se rezultat dopasti.

It's been such a long time since I last did a stampicure so I'll rectify that for this Matching Manicure. :D I'm joking, naturally, but this time I am going for a different form of stamping. I wanted to try a couple of techniques I haven't tried so far - making stamped decals and lead-lighting. I had to put all of my stampers into use and I hope you'll like the result.

29 May 2015

MoYou Nails 300

Početkom meseca sam spomenula kako je MoYou Nails izbacio novu kolekciju pločica pod imenom Concept Collection. U kolekciji se nalazi deset tematskih pločica koje se dosta razlikuju od onoga što smo ranije viđali kod MoYou Nails. Naime, na pločicama motivi nisu jasno razdvojeni kao na starima već prekrivaju celu pločicu i donekle se preklapaju. Neki su taman za ceo nokat, neki su samo detalji, neki su toliki da treba da se prostru preko više noktiju... Na svakoj pločici ima svega od ovoga. Kako je moj prvi susret sa ovakvim pločicama prošao možete pročitati u nastavku.

MoYou Nails Image Plate 300

I have mentioned in my monthly overview that MoYou Nails has made a new collection of stamping plates called Concept Collection. It consists of ten individually themed stamping plates that are a lot different from what we've seen so far from MoYou Nails. What I mean is that these plates don't have clearly separated designs, but motifs that cover entire plate and that overlap to an extent. Some of them are large enough to be full nail images, some are small accent images, some are so large they go over several nails... Every image plate in this collection has a bit of everything. You can read about my first experience with this sort of stamping plate after jump break.

27 May 2015

Zoya Sunshine

Ranije mi je uspevalo da sunčanim lakovima po tmurnom vremenu prizovem sunce. Današnji lak nije sunčane boje, ali je takvog imena - Zoya Sunshine. Zoya lakovi ne sadrže toluen, dibutil ftalat, formalin, formalinski rezin, kamfor, sastojke životinjskog porekla i ne testiraju se na životinjama. Svi lakovi dolaze u bočicama od 15 ml. Pixie Dust lakovi koštaju 950 dinara i povlače se iz proizvodnje pa savetujem da požurite da nabavite one koji vam se sviđaju. Možete ih nabaviti u Ultra Sun-u, bilo uživo bilo preko interneta, kao i kod njihovih distributera.

I have managed on several occasion to "invoke" sunshine by wearing sunny polishes. Polish I am showing you today isn't sunny in terms of colour, but it has a sunny name - Zoya Sunshine. Sadly, Pixie Dust polishes have been retired so you should hurry and get the ones you like before they are sold out. Zoya polishes come in 15 ml bottles. They don't contain toluene, camphor, formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin, dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and animal products and are not tested on animals.

25 May 2015

Dior Liquorice

Možda ste primetile da u kolekciji uglavnom imam drogerijske i salonske brendove lakova za nokte, a high end brendove skoro i da nemam. To ne znači da mi se ponekada neki od takvih lakova ne svidi već samo mislim da su preskupi, ali kada neka od mojih internet-poznanica oglasi da prodaje HE lak ja obratim pažnju. Tako sam za daleko manje novca nego što bi to pod redovnim uslovima bio slučaj uspela da nabavim i ovaj prelepi raritet - Dior Liquorice.

You may have noticed that I mostly have drugstore and salon brands of nail polish in my collection and that high end brands are almost nonexistent here. That doesn't mean that I don't like some of those polishes, I just find them too expensive, but when some of my internet-acquaintances happen to sell their HE polishes I pay attention. That I how hard to find Dior Liquorice came to my possession.

24 May 2015

Matching Manicures - Waterfall

Tema današnjeg usklađenog manikira je tehnika koju nisam ranije probala, a bila mi je u planu - waterfall. Ovom jednostavnom tehnikom se dobija pomalo paperjasti efekat slivanja boja od zanoktica ka vrhovima noktiju.

This week's matching manicures theme is a nail art technique I haven't tried, but was planning to - waterfall. This simple technique gives a feathery effect of colours running down from cuticle towards tip of the nail.

23 May 2015

Born Pretty BP-L020

Moja slabost prema čipki na noktima nije nikakva tajna. Zato imam obe verzije Born Pretty pločice 02 i zato sam morala imati i veliku pločicu sa motivima čipke.


My weakness for lace on nails is no secret. That is why I have both versions of Born Pretty 02 stamping plate and it is the reason why I had to have this large stamping plate filled with lace designs.

22 May 2015

Nedeljna rutina

Poslednjih meseci sam neredovno vodila računa o svojim noktima, ali u proteklih nekoliko nedelja, par meseci, počela sam sa stalnom nedeljnom rutinom. Morala sam da je uvedem kada sam shvatila da "skratiću nokte sutra" za jedno veče može da me dovede iz "sviđa mi se kako mi nokti izgledaju" u "mrzim svoje nokte" raspoloženje. Činjenice da su mi nokti nezgodnog oblika i da se krive posle određene dužine su samo pomogle da učvrstim ovu odluku. Jesenas sam pisala o sređivanju noktiju kod kuće, ali tu sam pokrila razne načine za kućni manikir i želja mi je bila da vi same otkrijete šta će vama odgovarati. Ovo je ono što meni trenutno odgovara i što jednom nedeljno radim da bih nokte koliko je to moguće držala u redu.

My nail care has been irregular during last months, but I have implemented a weekly routine these past several weeks, couple of months. I had to start it once I realized that "I'll shorten my nails tomorrow"can turn my attitude towards my nails from "I like the look of my nails" to "I hate my nails" in a single night. The fact that my nails flare and that they bend after they grow over a certain length have only helped me in making this decision. Last fall I did an article about at home manicure, but that was a general guide meant to help you find what suits you best. This is what works for me and what I sit to do once a week in order to keep my nails tidy as much as possible.

21 May 2015

Darivanje, darivanje, darivanje

Prekjuče je moj blog napunio tri godine i tim povodom želim da vas pozovem na blogorođendansko slavlje. Ovom prilikom sam organizovala pet magradnih igara. Četiri nagrade su sponzorisane i veoma sam zahvalna Primaxu, Ultra Sunu, Kolinu i MoYou Nails na doniranim nagradama. To su kompanije prema kojima osećam veliko poštovanje, sa kojima imam dobru saradnju i u čije proizvode imam poverenje. Jednu nagradu sam sama uzela na nedavnom putovanju u Beč i nadam se da će vam se moj izbor lakova za tu nagradu svideti. Sve nagradne igre su otvorene za čitateljke iz Srbije, ali nisu sve otvorene za ceo region ili ceo svet. Slobodni ste da se prijavite za bilo koju ili sve nagrade za koje možete, ali znajte da ukupno možete osvojiti samo jednu nagradu. Sve nagradne igre se završavaju 4. juna u 00.00 časova. Imena dobitnika ću objaviti na blogu i Facebooku i oni će onda imati 48 časova da me kontaktiraju bilo porukom na Facebooku bilo preko e-maila. Obavezni uslovi za učešće su isti za svaku nagradnu igru - treba da pratite moj blog i posetite Facebook stranice mog bloga i sponzora te nagrade. Ostali "zadaci" vam povećavaju šansu da dobijete nagradu i nisu obavezni.

Two days ago my blog turned three and I'd like to invite you to join in my blogaversary celebrations. This time I have five giveaways for you. Four prizes were donated by importers I have cooperated with, who I respect and whose products I have faith in. One prize was bought by me while I was in Vienna and I hope you'll like my choice of polishes for that prize. Only two giveaways are open to people outside of Serbia so make sure to read description of each giveaway to see if you are eligible. All giveaways end on June 4th at midnight. I shall announce the winners here on blog and on my Facebook page and they will have 48 hours to send me an e-mail or message. Mandatory entries are the same for each of these giveaways - you have to follow my blog and visit Facebook page and sponsor's Facebook page. Other "tasks" are there to improve your odds at winning and aren't mandatory.

20 May 2015

Essence Hello Spring i Wanna Be Your Sunshine

Novi Essence Gel Look lakovi su uveliko dostupni u DMu i Liliju, ali se ova dva Colour & go laka još uvek mogu naći na policama sa robom na sniženju. Essence Hello Spring! i Wanna Be Your Sunshine su veseli, prolećni lakovi i zbog toga su me i privukli. Ukoliko ste u iskušenju da uzmete neki od njih prvo pročitajte moje iskustvo pa tek onda odlučite da li želite da date novac na njih.

New Essence Gel Look nail polishes have been available in drugstores for a while now, but these two Colour & go polishes are still available in some Serbian drugstores in discount bins. They are both fitting for spring season , which is why I was drawn to them. You can read how they performed after jump break.

18 May 2015

ArtDeco 235 Spring is in the Air

Jedan od lakova koji je Mala Palčica spakovala da prave društvo ANNY The Answer is Love je ovaj azurni ArtDeco lak prolećnog imena Spring is in the Air. Bio je deo Butterfly Dreams kolekcije i mislim da se više ne može naći, na Jasminovom sajtu ga nema. ArtDeco Ceramic Nail Laquer lakovi imaju 6 ml i u zavisnosti od kolekcije koštaju 950-1030 dinara, ali se često mogu naći i na sniženjima od 20, 30, 50%. Ovo je prvi ArtDeco lak u mojoj kolekciji pa nisam znala šta da očekujem, a kako se pokazao možete pročitati u nastavku teksta.

One of polishes that Mala Palčica sent to "keep ANNY The Answer is Love company" is this azure blue ArtDeco with quite seasonal name Spring is in the Air. It was part of Butterfly Dreams LE and I think that it is no longer available. ArtDeco Ceramic Nail Laquer polishes have 6 ml. This is the first ArtDeco polish in my collection and you can read more about how it performed after the page break.

17 May 2015

Matching Manicures - Spring

Nisam u prilici da radim zahtevnije manikire zbog obaveza koje trenutno imam. Zato za ovaj usklađeni manikir sa prolećnom temom imam veoma jednostavan, ali nadam se dopadljiv manikir. Šta su druge blogerke spremile možete videti na sledećim linkovima.

Because of my other engagements I am not in position to do more complex manicures. That is why I've made this very simple, but hopefully likeable manicure for this week's spring-themed matching manicure. You can see what other bloggers have come up with at the following links.

1. World Of Happy Nails  4. Mala Palčica  7. nail crazy  
2. Vedrana  5. MarryJ  8. Kata  
3. World of my Nails  6. tina  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

16 May 2015

Born Pretty BP-L015

Predstavljanje velikih Born Pretty Store pločica nastavljam ovom pločicom koja kao da je stvorena za proleće. Ili botaničare. :D


I continue my reviews of large Born Pretty stamping plates with this image plate that seems to be made for spring. Or a botanist. :D

15 May 2015

MoYou Nails 89

MoYou Nails je izbacio novu kolekciju pločica, a ja još nisam završila predstavljanje svih starih koje imam. Danas je na redu poslednja pločica sa motivima za ceo nokat koja mi je preostala.

Image plate 89

MoYou Nails has offered a new collection of stamping plates and I still haven't shown you all of the old ones I ought to. Today I am showing you the last full nail stamping plate I have.

13 May 2015

Catrice Bruno Brownani

Braon nije moja boja. To je boja koju uopšte nemam u ormaru ili među lakovima, čak slabo i među šminkom. U par navrata se pokazalo da to nije baš sjajno jer mi je za neki nail art, za neko pečatiranje baš potrebna braon boja, a ja je nemam i moram ili da improvizujem ili da odustanem od prve zamisli. Onda mi je Danijela poslala Catrice Bruno Brownani i ispostavilo se da je odabrala nijansu braon kakva mi je najpotrebnija. Hvala ti, Danijela :*

Brown is not my colour. This is a colour I don't have in my wardrobe or among polishes and just a few items among makeup products. Several times this did pose a problem as I was in need of brown polish for some nail art or stamping and not having one I'd have to either improvise or change the initial idea. And then Danijela sent me Catrice Bruno Brownani and it turned out that she picked the perfect shade of brown for my needs. Thank you, Danijela :*

11 May 2015

OPI I Have a Herring Problem

Izgleda kao da sam tek otkrila sive lakove, ali zapravo sam samo bila veoma skeptična prema tome kako će mi koja nijansa stajati. Sada mislim da sam shvatila kakvi mi sivci stoje pa sam se malo oslobodila. Jedan od prvih koji mi je privukao pažnju otkad sam se vratila u lakoholočarske vode je OPI I Have a Herring Problem, oko kojeg sam stalno obigravala, ali sam ga zaobilazila jer sa već imala Zoya Skylar. Na svu sreću ova dva laka su dovoljno različita, a ovaj se uz to našao u korpici sa lakovima za 500 dinara na sajmu da sam dozvolila sebi da ga ipak uzmem.

It looks as if I've only recently discovered grey polishes, but in fact I was wary of them as I couldn't discern how they'd suit me. Now I think that I've finally realized which shades to look for so I feel more at ease with them. One of first grey polishes that had caught my eye since I got back to polishes is OPI I Have a Herring Problem, I have been eying, but avoided because I've already had Zoya Skylar. Fortunately they are different enough and this one was also discounted so I allowed myself this purchase.

10 May 2015

Born Pretty BP-L009

Danas je na redu za predstavljanje još jedna velika Born Pretty pločica za pečatiranje, ovog puta iz njihove prve linije velikih pločica.


Today I get to show you another large Born Pretty stamping plate, this time from their first collection of large plates.

09 May 2015

MoYou Nails 71

Pločica koju vam danas predstavljam je od onih sa malim, pojedinačnim slikama, koje mi generalno nisu među omiljenima. No ova konkretna pločica je veoma zanimljiva i to ne samo zbog samih motiva koji se na njoj nalaze već zato što tri motiva imaju svoje pandane za pun nokat na MoYou Nails 86. Sviđa mi se što MoYou Nails ponekada pravi ovakvu vezu između pločica jer to može, ako imate obe pločice, dati zanimljive kombinacije u manikirima. Ipak sam umesto neke od takvih kombinacija odlučila da vam ovom prilikom pokažem preostale četiri slike.

Image plate 71

The image plate I am showing you today is one of those with small individual images, the sort I generally don't like. But this particular plate is quite interesting and not only because of the choice of images, but because three of them have full nail counterparts on MoYou Nails 86. I like how MoYou Nails sometimes connects plates like this because, if you have both plates, you can create some particularly interesting manis. I have decided not to show you those this time and instead to showcase other four designs.

08 May 2015

Essence Love Letters 05 Inkheart

Primetila sam da već dosta dugo Essence lakove uzimam isključivo sa idejom da ih koristim u pečatiranju ili za nail art i uopšte ih ne nosim kao normalan lak za nokte. Tako mnogi Essence lakovi ne budu predstavljeni na blogu, a budu spomenuti više puta. Jedan od njih je i Inkheart iz Essence Love Letters trend kolekcije - u svetu aktuelne početkom 2014. godine, a kod nas par meseci kasnije i mislim da ostaci još uvek mogu da se nađu u DMu u činijama sa robom na popustu.

I have noticed that I've been buying Essence polishes purely as stamping or nail art polishes for quite some time now and that I don't wear them as regular polish any more. Because of that many Essence polishes that I've mentioned many times haven't gotten a post of their own. One such polish is Inkheart from Love Letters trend edition, which was in stores in January and February 2014.

06 May 2015

China Glaze Choo-Choo Choose You

U mesečnom pregledu sam spomenula neočekivani poklon od Jelene. U pitanju je veoma neobičan China Glaze lak, koji mi je zadovoljstvo da vam danas pokažem. China Glaze lakovi koštaju 498 din, a možete ih nabaviti preko Alexandar Cosmetics i njihovih distributera.

I have mentioned in my monthly overview an unexpected gift from Jelena. It was an unusual China Glaze polish that I am happy to show you today.

04 May 2015

Essie Parka Perfect

Dok nam ne stignu (ako nam uopšte budu stigli) Cashmere Matte lakovi, nastavljam da pokazujem lakove iz Shearling Darling kolekcije za zimu 2013. Za razliku od Mind Your Mittens, ovaj se sigurno još uvek može naći upola cene ili čak jeftinije u pojedinim DM i Lilly drogerijama.

Until Essie Cashmere Matte polishes arrive in our stores (if they ever do) I shall continue to show my untrieds from Shearling Darling, collection for winter 2013.

03 May 2015

Born Pretty BP-L016 stamping plate and polish

Spomenuh u mesečnom pregledu da su mi stigle i prve četvrtaste Born Pretty pločice za pečatiranje pa danas počinjem da ih predstavljam. U ovom članku osim pločice prikazujem i jedan od Born Pretty lakova za pečatiranje.


I have mentioned in my monthly overview that I have gotten my first large Born Pretty stamping plates and today I am starting to show them to you. This time I will also show you one of Born Pretty stamping polishes.

02 May 2015

01 May 2015


Prođe i omiljen mi mesec u godini. Naravno da je bilo mnogo noviteta, a mnogi su stigli iz inostranstva. Činjenice da je moja malenkost aprilsko dete i da smo imali sajam kozmetike su dosta uticale na broj novih stvari. Prvo je početkom meseca palo divno druženje sa lakoholičarkama na koje mi je Shine Eye donela Layla lak koji skoro dve godine nisam mogla prežaliti što nisam uzela kada sam bila u Milanu. Još jedan leming je ubijen kada mi je Mala Palčica poslala ANNY The Answer is Love, a sa njime su doputovala još tri laka i komplet preslatkih Gorjuss turpija za nokte. :D Još par iznenadnih poklončića je stiglo od Danijele i Jelene. Čim mi je Danijela poslala prvu veliku Born Pretty Store pločicu za pečatiranje počele su da mi stižu i one koje sam naručila i još neke za recenziju. Pao je i par Essence lakova sa rasprodaje, kao i jedan koji nisam videla u prodaji kod nas, ali je išao u paketu sa nekim od ženskih časopisa. Krajem februara sam u ProcrastiNails darivanju osvojila vaučer za kupovinu u online radnji po mom izboru i izbor je pao na Hypnotic Polish i Dance Legend lakove i ova narudžbina čini moju omiljenu grupu noviteta ovog meseca. Poslednju grupu noviteta čine proizvodi koje sam uzela na Svetu lepote, a među njima je par mat Zoya lakova, par OPIja, CND tretman za zanoktice i ProNails dekoracije.

My favourite month of the year has passed. Of course there were many new products, many of which came from abroad. The facts that yours truly is an April child and that we had another cosmetics expo have something to do with the number of new items in my stash. First we had a lovely polishaholics meeting that Shine Eye brought me a polish I failed to get when I was in Milan two years ago to. Another lemming was killed when Mala Palčica sent me ANNY The Answer is Love, and it came with three more polishes and a set of gorgeous Gorjuss emery boards. :D I got another couple of unexpected gifts from Danijela and Jelena. And as soon as I got the first Born Pretty Store large stamping plate from Danijela, the ones I had ordered had arrived as well as several of those for review. I got another couple of Essence polishes on sale as well as another that wasn't available here, but was given away with some magazine. My favourite purchase this month consists of Dance Legend polishes I ordered from Hypnotic Polish, thanks to ProcrastiNails giveaway. The last group is selection of products from Svet lepote expo, and it consists of several matte Zoyas, a couple of OPIs, a CND cuticle treatmnet and ProNails decorations.
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