30 August 2021

Zoya Godiva

Posle niza upadljivih i jakih boja sam želela da nosim nešto mirnije na noktima, a pritom i da sprovedem mali eksperiment sa teksturisanim lakovima te sam posegnula za Godivom. Pre pet godina sam zažalila što je nisam uzela (i potom uzela Tomoko kao utehu), ali mi se posrećilo kada je Jeca odlučila da smanji svoju kolekciju te je Godiva ipak našla put do mene.
After a succession of strong, bold colours, I wanted to wear something more subtle on my nails, and also to conduct an experiment with textured polishes, so I reached for Godiva. Five years ago I regretted not getting it in time (and bought Tomoko as consolation), but I lucked out when Jeca decided to destash some of her collection so a bottle of Godiva did find its way to me.
Godiva je bež-nude teksturisani lak sa sitnim srebrnastim šljokicama. Iako pod normalnim okolnostima nisam ljubitelj ovoliko neutralnih nijansi, sviđa mi se kada imaju neki štos efekat pa nisu dosadni (drugi takav nudać je Moyra Infinity). Ovaj možda naoko nije prterano uzbudljiv, ali tekstura ga čini dovoljno zanimljivim čak i za moj ukus. Pošto je redak i svetao, za punu boju i pokrivanje su mi bila potrebna tri sloja. Nadlak naravno nisam stavila, ali eksperimenta radi sam ga isprobala preko različitih osnova jer se pre par nedelja na Redditu poteglo pitanje toga koliko baza utiče na teksturu ovakvih lakova. Stoga sam palac ostavila bez baze, na kažiprst sam nanela Zoya Anchor, srednji prst je OPI Ridge Filler, domali Cuccio Pomegranate Nail Strengthener i na malić sam stavila Trend It Up Perfect Ridgefiller. Ni vizuelno ni na dodir ne nalazim nikakvu razliku. Na slikama izgleda kao da su mi domali i mali manje teksturisani od ostalih, ali takođe izgleda i kao da na njima imam više laka nego na ostalim noktima. Što se mene tiče, svejedno je da li teksturce nosim sa bazom ili bez nje. Razlike u izgledu i osećaju nema.
Godiva is a beige-nude textured polish with small silver glitter pieces. While I am normally not a fan of this neutral shades, I do like it when they have a special effect to keep them from being boring (Moyra Infinity is another such polish). This one is not very exciting at a glance, but texture gives it enough oomph to make it interesting even for my taste. Since it is light and thin, I had to use three coats for full coverage and even colour. Naturally, I didn't use top coat, but I did try it over different bases as an experiment, because a couple of weeks ago we had a little discussion on Reddit on how a base coat may affect the texture of these polishes. That is why I left my thumb without a base coat, put Zoya Anchor on my index finger, OPI Ridge Filler on my middle finger, Cuccio Pomegranate Nail Strengthener on my ring finger and Trend It Up Perfect Ridgefiller on my pinkie. In person, I can't tell the difference on sight or by touch. In photos it looks like my pinkie and ring finger are a bit less textured than the others but it also seems like I have more polish on those two nails. For my purposes, it does not matter whether I wear textured polishes with or without base. There is no difference in look or feel.


  1. Very Very nice color! I have never done such a texture of nails, maybe someday I will try :)

  2. I am not usually a fan of these nude shades either but LOVE textures so much <3

    That is interesting about the base coat. Having tried several in my years of blogging, I have found the best one to be a cheap base coat ridge filler type (Make Up Gallery is the brand). I have tried lots of different priced one cheap and expensive. a-England's base coat was good and Butter London's too. Then I discovered this current one and been using it for a good while, maybe 4 year. I tried one and got such bad chipping it was unreal - I blogged about that one...MUA Super Strength Base Coat. It ended up in the bin haha!

    1. See, I never had a really poor experience with a base coat. Loads with top coats, but never with a base coat. Cheap ones worked best for me as well, though.

  3. Lepa je bojica, volim "sand effect" lakove, mada ih poslednjih godina jako retko nosim, moracu da ih ponovo izvadim iz fioke i da ponovo u njima uzivam... :-)

    1. Još uvek imam neisproban barem jedan teksturni Kiko koji sam dobila od tebe. /facepalm

  4. Ah, testurci... Ovaj je previse neutralan za moj ukus, ali zato sve ostale drecave PixieDust posedujem :)
    Sa vremenom je ljubav samo veca prema njima, a ovi Zoya su vrlo postojani, imam ih par godina i odlicno se drze!

    1. Divno je videti te opet ovde <3
      Isto mi je iskustvo sa Pixićima - od svih teksturaca koje imam oni se najbolje drže. Sve ostale sam morala da razređujem u nekom trenutku.


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