29 September 2014

A England Saint George

Iako ovaj dragulj imam već godinu dana tek sada je stigao na red za nošenje. Čekala sam pravu priliku da ga nosim, ali na kraju sam ga namazala samo zato što je bio sunčan dan :D A England lakovi imaju 11 ml, 3-free su i nose znak veselog zeke netestiranja na životinjama. Mogu se nabaviti samo preko interneta, a do svoja (za sada) jedina dva sam došla zahvaljujući MarryJ.

Even though I've had this jewel for a year now it is only now that I managed to try it. I have waited for some special occasion and in the end I only wore it because it was a sunny day :D A England polishes come in 11 ml bottles, they are 3-free and cruelty free. They can only be bought online and I have gotten my two thanks to MarryJ.

28 September 2014

Matching Manicures - Chevron

Tema ovonedeljnog usklađenog manikira je ševron - motiv slova V ili vrha strele. Moj manikir je jednostavan, sa samo po jednim ševronom po noktu. Osnovni lak je A England Saint George, Manhattan Liquid Metals 101z za ševrone i Aura On the Edge za vrhove.

This week's Matching Manicures theme is chevron - V or arrowhead mani. Mine is very simple with only one chevron per nail. My base colour is A England Saint George, I have used Manhattan Liquid Metals 101z for chevrons and Aura On the Edge for the tips.

27 September 2014

Ulja za nokte i zanoktice

U članku o kućnoj nezi noktiju sam pisala o uljanom manikiru, a sada bih volela da detaljnije predstavim različita ulja, masti i još neke hranljive supstance koje imaju blagotvorno dejstvo na nokte i kožu oko noktiju. Da se podsetimo, nokti sadrže prirodne masti (oko 5%) u međućelijskom prostoru i te masti doprinose elastičnosti nokatne ploče, ujedno je impregnirajući. Svako pranje ruku sapunom, svako skidanje laka za nokte bez obzira na vrstu skidača koji koristite uklanja određenu količinu ulja iz gornjih slojeva nokta i ta količina ulja treba da se nadomesti. To je najlakše učiniti uljem za nokte i zanoktice. Ulje za zanoktice osim što hrani nokte i okolnu kožu služi i kao lubrikant prilikom masaže prstiju. Svi, bez obzira na stanje noktiju, mogu i valja da koriste ulje, ali imajte na umu da ulja ne daju instant rezultate već da njihova istrajna upotreba održava kožu i nokte nahranjenima. Redovna upotreba ulja bi trebalo da obezbedi elastičnost noktima i koži, sprečavajući njihovo pucanje, listanje i stvaranje zanoktica. Ulja se koriste jednostavno - dovoljno je jednom dnevno (po mogućnosti posle tuširanja) naneti kap ulja na bazu nokta i utrljati ga u nokat (ako nemate namazan lak) i u kožu oko nokta. Možete naneti i kap na hiponihijum - kožu sa donje strane nokta. Ukoliko su vam nokti suvi ili zanoktice ispucale, svakako bi valjalo da ulja koristite što češće, ali najvažnije je da ih koristite uporno.

I have covered oil manicure in the article on at home manicure, but I'd love to talk a bit more about oils and other nourishing substances that have beneficial effects for nails and surrounding skin. Just to review, nails contain natural oils (about 5%) located in between nail cells and those oils add flexibility and protection from water. Every time you use soap to wash your hands or use nail polish remover (both acetone and non-acetone based) remove some of those oils from the upper layers of nails and that amount of oil should be replenished. The easiest way to do it is by using cuticle oil. In addition to nourishing nails and surrounding skin, cuticle oil act as lubricant during finger massage. Everybody, regardless of type and state of nails, can and should use oils. Keep in mind that oils don't act instantaneously, but their constant use will keep skin and nails nourished. Regular use of oils should give flexibility to nails and keep your skin supple, preventing splits, peels and breaks in nails and hangnails. Oils are easy to use - just put a drop to the base of each nail once per day (preferably after shower) and massage it into the nail (if you don't have polish on) and the surrounding skin. You can put a drop to the undersides of nails as well. If you have very dry nails or cracked cuticles you should certainly use cuticle oils as often as possible, but the most importantly you should use them persistently.

26 September 2014

MoYou Nails 128

Nokti su mi porasli pa se mogu vratiti predstavljanju novih MoYou Nails pločica za pečatiranje sa motivima za ceo nokat. Danas je na redu pločica 128.

My nails gave grown so I can get back to reviewing new MoYou Nails image plates with designs for full nail. Today I have stamping plate #128 to show you.

24 September 2014

Dance Legend Olive Theory

Ako ste pratili seriju How I Met Your Mother verovatno se sećate "Olive Theory". Dance Legend je taj izraz odlučio da upotrebi kao ime jednog od šest Holodays lakova i ovo je treći (i poslednji) od tih lakova koji imam da vam pokažem. Meni je on stigao sa sajta Hypnotic Polish, odakle ga i vi možete naručiti.

If you've watched How I Met Your Mother you may remember "Olive Theory". Dance Legend has used that term to name one of six Holodays polishes and that is the third (and sadly the last) polish from that collection I get to show you. Mine has arrived from Hypnotic Polish, and you can order it from there too.

22 September 2014

piCture pOlish Solar Flare

Koristim ovo sunce koje se povremeno promalja da nosim (i slikam) lakove koji zahtevaju snažno osvetljenje da bi se pokazali u punom sjaju. Jedan od njih je Solar Flare - jedini piCture pOlish lak iz LE kolekcije koji sam uzela i sada kada je kolekcija maltene svuda rasprodata ne mogu prežaliti što ne uzeh i Illusionist. Solar Flare se još uvek može nabaviti kod nekih distributera piCture pOlish lakova. Izgleda da nije bio među popularnijima.

I want to use the sunlight we've been having these days in between spells of murky weather to wear and photograph polishes that require strong light in order to show their true colours. One of them is Solar Flare - the only LE piCture pOlish nail polish I got. Now that the collection has been sold out almost everywhere I want to eat my heart out for not getting Illusionist as well. Solar Flare can still be found at some e-tailers'. It seems to be less popular.

21 September 2014

Matching Manicures - Skittlette

Ovo je drugi put da u sklopu usklađenog manikira radimo skittlette manikir. Ovog puta sam odlučila da radim manikir baš kako treba te sam kombinovala dezene i teksture, ali da onda ne komplikujem sa bojama. Mnogo sam zadovoljnija ovom verzijom nego prethodnom. Koristila sam Zoya Chita na palcu i maliću, za kažiprst sam upotrebila China Glaze Emerald Fitzgerald, kojim sam pečatirala motiv sa MoYou Nails 128 preko Dance Legend Olive Theory na preostala dva nokta.

This is the second time that Balkan Beauty Bloggers are doing skittlette mani. This time I wanted to do it properly so I combined designs and textures, but I wanted to keep the colour scheme very simple. I am much more happy with this version than the previous one. I have used Zoya Chita on pinkie and thumb. I have used China Glaze Emerald Fitzgerald on index finger, but also to stamp image from MoYou Nails 128 over Dance Legend Olive Theory on the other two nails.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

20 September 2014

Simples - Back To Bases

Aura She Bunny 508, Essence That's What I Mint, Golden Rose Rich Color 48, Franken Erotikon

Završena je i treća celina Simples manikira - povratak osnovama. Ovu celinu su činile "brljotine", akvarel i gradijent. "Brljotine" se prave nasumičnim dodavanjem boja sunđerom. Akvarel tehnika podrazumeva razređivanje laka acetonom kako bi se dobio vodenast izgled. Gradijent verujem da ne treba predstavljati, mada ja treba da poradim na svojoj tehnici jer su mi linije suviše oštre. Detaljna uputstva možete naći na The Crumpet blogu.

Flormar 400, Golden Rose 262, Maybelline Dark Chocolate

We've finished part three of Simples manicures - back to bases. This part consisted of splodging, watercolour and gradient manicures. Splodging is done by randomly sponging dabs of colour onto nail. Watercolour requires diluting nail polish with acetone in order to get watercolour effect. I believe that gradient doesn't need introduction. I do, however, need to work on my technique as there is very harsh delineation between my chosen colours. You can find detailed instructions at The Crumpet.

gradijent koji sam upotrebila i za Matching Manicures

19 September 2014

Sređivanje noktiju u kućnoj radinosti

Posebnost svakog čoveka, svakog nokta izazivali su u meni zadršku da napišem opšti "vodič" za kućno sređivanje noktiju, ali bila sam lepo zamoljena da to ipak učinim da nisam mogla da odbijem. Plašim se da se kod nas nega noktiju suviše generalizuje i da se većina ljudi ne trudi da ustanovi kakve nokte imaju, posebno ako imaju i neke zdravstvene probleme. Isto se odnosi na generalno održavanje noktiju. Verujem da će većina vas moći među mojim predlzima da nađe metod sređivanja noktiju koji im odgovara. Imajte na umu da je ovde reč o sređivanju noktiju kod kuće, ne u salonu, i da se zato držim jednostavnih elemenata koje svako može sam da sprovede, ali zabavnije je ako organizujete manikir veče sa drugaricama.

Individuality of every person, every nail have kept me from doing a general "guide" through at home manicure, but I was asked nicely to do it anyway so I couldn't say no. I fear nail care is taken too lightly and people usually don't even try to find out what type of nails they have, especially if they also have some medical conditions. The same goes for regular nail care. I believe most of you will be able to find nail care routine that will fit you among my suggestions. Keep in mind that what I'm writing about is at home manicure, not salon nail care, and that is why I'm trying to keep it simple so that anyone can do this themselves, but it is more fun if you organise a pampering evening with friends.

17 September 2014

OPI Just a little Rösti at This

Još jedan od lakova koji je zaista dugo čekao da bude isproban bio je ovaj poklon od preljubazne Jipijej. Ovo je lak iz kolekcije inspirisane Švajcarskom, za jesen 2010. godine i izgleda da se više ne proizvodi, mada se kod nas verovatno još može naći u ponudi.

Another polish that was left in my untrieds box for far too long was this gift from too kind Jipijej. This polish was part of Swiss collection, for autumn 2010. It seems to be discontinued, but it probably still can be bought.

15 September 2014

Dance Legend Different View

Dance Legend 850 Different View je drugi od tri Holodays laka koja sam dobila na Hypnotic Polish darivanju. Holodays je linija od šest holo lakova sa dodatnim rasutim holo česticama. Lakovi iz ove linije imaju (svega) 6,5 ml, za razliku od standardnih Dance Legend lakova koji imaju 15 ml. Spremite se na mnogo slika jer ova lepota ih zaslužuje, a vreme mi je išlo na ruku za slikanje ovakvog laka.

Dance Legend 850 Different View is the second of three Holodays nail polishes I won at Hypnotic Polish giveaway. Holodays is line of six holo polishes with additional scattered holo particles. These polishes come in mini 6.5 ml bottles, unlike standard Dance Legend polishes that come in 15 ml bottles. Get ready for photos galore because this gorgeousness deserves it, and the weather was perfect for photographing such polish.

14 September 2014

Matching Manicures - Half-moon

Balkanske blogerke danas daju svoje viđenje klasičnog polumesec manikira - manikira popularnog u međuratnom periodu. U pitanju je manikir u kome je polumesec u bazi nokta neobojen ili obojen jednom bojom, a ostatak nokta obojen drugom bojom, ponekada i sa vrhom u boji polumeseca. Ja sam se odlučila za jednostavniju verziju, a koristila sam Flormar 398 i Dance Legend Different View. Za oblik polumeseca sam koristila zaštitne nalepnice za zumbane papire koje sam kupila u Stylosu, a verujem da ih ima i u drugim bolje opremljenim papirnicama i prodavnicama kancelarijskog materijala.

Today Balkan beauty bloggers are taking on a half-moon manicure (or "moonicure") - a manicure that used to be popular in interwar period. This is a simple mani that has half-moon at the base of the nail unpainted or painted one colour and the rest of the nails painted a different colour, sometimes with tip the same colour as half-moon. I opted for a simple version with Flormar 398 and Dance Legend Different View. I have used hole reinforcement stickers to get half-moon shape.

13 September 2014

N.Nail vodene nalepnice


Nadala sam se da ću ove dekale stići da predstavim znatno ranije no trebalo mi je dosta vremena da smislim kako da ih upotrebim. Za razliku od većine drugih dekala koje sam isprobala ovi nisu namenjeni za pun manikir jer ih ima dovoljno samo za detalje. Na tabaku se dobija pet trakastih dekala različitih geometrijskih dezena. Ove trake se moraju iseći da se uklope u manikir i oblik nokta.

I was hoping to show you these decals much sooner, but it took me some time to think of the ways to fit them into manis. Unlike other water decals I have tried so far, these aren't meant to be used as a full mani as there is only enough of each motif for accents. There are five rows of different geometrical water decals. These have to be cut to fit your nails and mani.

12 September 2014

Kand Nail CK04 tabla za pečatiranje

Već dugo mi stoji neisprobana ova tabla za pečatiranje koju sam svojevremeno naručila sa Born Pretty Store i sada je konačno došao trenutak da je isprobam.

This image plate that I had ordered from Born Pretty Store has been untried for quite some time and now it is finally time for me to try it out.

10 September 2014

Essie After School Boy Blazer

Prvi lak iz prošlogodišnje jesenje Essie kolekcije koji sam kupila, čudnom igrom slučaja je poslednji koji predstavljam.

The first polish from last year's autumn Essie collection I had bought is, by some strange set of circumstances, the last one I am to show.

08 September 2014

Trind Caring Color CC201 Mellow Yellow

Hajde da rasteramo ovo sivilo jednim veselim žutim lakom. U pitanju je Trind negujuća boja Mellow Yellow iz letnje kolekcije Beauty and the Beach, trenutno dostupne u apotekama. Kao svi drugi Trind lakovi i ovaj ima 9 ml i košta oko 850 dinara.

Let's drive away this gloomy weather with a cheery yellow polish. This is Trind caring colour in Mellow Yellow, from summer collection Beauty and the Beach. Like other Trind polishes this comes in 9 ml and retails for about 8 €.

07 September 2014

Matching Manicures - plavo

Za današnji usklađeni manikir (izazov koji je juče proslavio prvi rođendan) tema je "plavo". Kako nisam htela da suviše komplikujem uradila sam jednostavan manikir u dva tona plave. Bazni lak mi je Essie That's What I Mint, a preko sam dodala ove plave štrasiće. Tek sam nedavno otkrila voštane olovke za nameštanje štrasa/šljokica/nitni i moram reći da sam veoma zadovoljna lakoćom kojom sam rasporedila ove ukraščiće.

Today's Matching Manicure has "blue" for a theme. Since I didn't want to overcomplicate the thing I decided to go with this simple two-tone mani. My base colour is Essie That's What I Mint and I placed these blue rhinestones over it. I have only recently discovered wax pens for rhinestones/studs/sequins and I have to say I am very pleased with how easy these rhinestones were to place with one of these pens.

06 September 2014

Golden Rose Paris 56 i 84

Danas na brzinu predstavljam jedina dva Golden Rose Paris laka koja imam, ali koja neće dugo ostati u mojoj kolekciji. Paris linija Golden Rose lakova ima bočicu koja mi se ne dopada na oko, nezgodna je za slaganje, a i u ruci mi je veoma neugodna. Neće mi biti teško da ih se rešim.

Today I have quick swatces of the only two Golden Rose Paris nail polishes I have, but that haven't gotten a permanent place in my collection. Paris line of Golden Rose polishes has a bottle I don't like, that is inconvenient to hold and difficult to stack.

05 September 2014

MoYou Nails 113

Plate 113: Plate 113

Današnja pločica verujem da će biti hit u novembru, tj. u movembru (bovembru?), ali meni je prva pomisao kada sam je videla bila mim "like a sir". Ovo je još jedna od 27 MoYou Nails pločica iz kolekcije za 2014. godinu.

I believe that today's image plate will be a huge hit in November, i. e. Movember, but my first thought when I saw it was "like a sir" meme. This is another of the 27 MoYou Nails image plates from 2014. collection.

04 September 2014

Essie Decadent Dish

Još jedan Essie lak koji sam kupila prošle godine na rasprodaji je ovaj vamp lepotan. I on se još uvek može naći, ali nisam sigurna da li je na rasprodaji ili se prodaje po punoj ceni.

Another Essie I bought last summer on sale is this vamp gorgeousness.

02 September 2014

OPI Stay The Night

Ovo je lak koji mi je dugo bio na listi želja i povremeno skidan sa nje. Jedan je od prva četiri Liquid Sand laka koja je OPI izbacio u saradnji sa Marajom Keri u dvodelnoj kolekciji za proleće 2013. godine. Liquid Sand lakovi, poput klasičnih OPI lakova, imaju široku četkicu, 15 ml i koštaju koliko i obični OPI lakovi, ali ja sam ovaj uspela da ulovim u Sefori na sniženju, po ceni od 789 dinara.

This is a polish that's been on and off my wish list for quite some time. It is one of the first four Liquid Sand polishes OPI made in their two-part collection for spring 2013. they did in cooperation with Mariah Carey. Liquid Sand polishes come in 15 ml bottles, have flat brush and cost just as much as the regular OPI polishes.

01 September 2014


Prošlog meseca sam nabavila svašta novo, lepo i korisno.

Last month I got all sorts of new pretty and interesting stuff.
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