U četvrtak je počeo osmi Japanizam i, iako je tema yōkai za koju bi prigodna bila MoYou Nails pločica 304, dobar deo onoga što se vidi svake godine na Japanizmu je kawaii, tj. slatke, simpatične stvari i njima savršeno odgovara MoYou Nails pločica 305.
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http://moyounails.com/shop/image-plate-305/ |
The eight Japanizam festival began this Thursday and, even though the theme this year is yōkai that MoYou Nails 304 would be suitable for, what we usually see on this festival is kawaii, that is sweet, cute stuff MoYou Nails stamping plate 305 is perfect for.
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Essence Hello Spring! preko Morgan Taylor Doo Wop |
MoYou Nails 305 je pločica iz Concept kolekcije, što znači da nema jasno razdvojene sitne motive i motive za pu nokat nego da se sve slike mogu kombinovati i uklapati. Tema su joj slatkiši i osim klasičnih predstava slatkiša sadrži i motive koji se mogu sa njima povezati tek odgovarajućim izborom boja, što mislim da je dobro jer ne ograničava upotrebu ove pločice samo na jednu veoma usku temu. Jedan od takvih motiva, niz tankih i još tanjih pruga ste mogli da vidite u pastelnom manikiru, a da sam ga pečatirala roze i crvenom bojom preko bele osnove, dijagonalno, bilo bi jasno da je reč o lušama. Centralni deo pločice zauzima kuća u kojoj bi mogla živeti veštica iz priče o Ivici i Marici, ali na svu sreću ova nije toliko eksplicitno ukrašena slatkišima. Sama kuća je prevelika da bi se mogla u celini ili makar smislenim delovima preneti u manikir, mada pojedini njeni detalji mogu da se koriste bez naznaka da su deo motiva kuće. U slučaju da to radite svakako će vam biti potrebno parče papira kojim ćete prekriti deo slike koji ne želite da prenesete. Ostali motivi su uglavnom dovoljno veliki da se mogu upotrebiti na celom noktu i na krupnim noktima i dovoljno su razdvojeni jedni od drugih.
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Essence Where is the Party? preko Don Juan OC254 |
MoYou Nails 305 is another Concept collection image plate, which means that it doesn't have clear individual vs. full nail designs, but it is more of a buffet style choice of motifs that wearer can match and combine to their liking. Theme of this plate is candy and along classic sweets it has several images that can be connected to the theme only when done in certain way, which I think is great because it doesn't limit use of this plate to one narrow theme. You have seen one such design in my pastel manicure, and had I stamped it diagonally using pink and red over white you would clearly see it as candy cane. Central motif is a house the witch from Hansel and Gretel story could live in, but this one isn't as covered in candy. The house itself is too big to be used in mani and still be seen as house. If you want to transfer parts of the house you should have a piece of paper ready to cover parts of image you do not want to transfer. Other images are mostly large enough that they can be used as full nail images even on large nails and they are sufficiently separated.
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Essence Where is the Party? preko Sally Hansen Sun Day |
Kvalitet izrade je kao i uvek odličan. Svi su motivi dobro urezani i prenose se lepo. Boju sa motiva pruge preporučujem da grebete u smeru pružanja linija. Nijedan motiv ne zahteva čišćenje posle svakog transfera. Ovu i mnoge druge pločice, kao i ukrase za nokte, možete poručiti sa sajta MoYou Nails. Predstavljeni proizvod sam dobila na iskrenu recenziju. Za više informacija vidite moju politiku rada.
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Essence That's What I Mint preko Flormar 400 |
Quality of make is excellent as always. All images are well etched and they transfer nicely. I suggest that on stripey motifs you scrape paint away along the lines, not across. None design require cleanup after each transfer. You can order this and many other stamping plates, along with nail decorations from MoYou Nails. They ship worldwide. I have received this product for an honest review. For additional info see my disclosure policy.
super su mi prugice
ReplyDeleteHvala Ufi. :*
DeleteNice summer manis, the first one kind of reminds me of a pajamas, hahaha, don't ask me why :D
ReplyDeleteNow that you've mentioned it I can see it too. Men's pajamas. :D
DeleteVrlo simpatična pločica. :)
ReplyDeleteHvala Marija. :)
Deletezgodna pločica, sama bih ipak najradije izabrala prugice :D
ReplyDeleteI ja bih. Prugice su najnosivije. :D