Kratki nokti nisu prepreka za zanimljivo pečatiranje, čak ni kada pečatiram motive za francuski manikir. |
Short nails aren't an impediment for interesting stamping, not even when it comes to stamping French tips.
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Rimmel Black Cherries preko L'Oreal Jet Set 115 |
Za razliku od većine drugih MoYou Nails pločica sa motivima za francuski manikir, ova sa oznakom N34 ima dezene drugačijih dimenzija i zato mislim da je savršena za široke i kratke nokte. Na pločici se nalazi šest sličica širine 17 mm i visine 4 mm. Slike su prilično apstraktne i sasvim nosive. Koncentrični krugovi se u verziji za pun nokat mogu naći na MoYou Nails 82, a moguće se da i drugi motivi imaju svoje pandane za pun nokat na drugim pločicama. Ovde pre svega mislim na motive krila i leptira.
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MoYou Nails Gold preko Flormar 400 |
Unlike most other MoYou Nails image plates with French tip motifs, this one, N34, has images of different size, perfect for wider and shorter nails. It has six French tip designs that are 17 mm wide and 4 mm high. Motifs are rather abstract and quite wearable. You can find full nail version of concentric circles image on MoYou Nails 82, and it is possible that other images have full nail versions on other stamping plates. I'd particularly expect wings and butterflies to have large counterparts.
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Essence Stampy Black preko Don Juan OC254 |
Po pitanju kvaliteta izrade ovo je standardna MoYou Nails pločica - svi su motivi duboko i precizno urezani i svi se prenose dobro. Nema potrebe za traženjem posebnih uglova i smerova za grebanje i prenošenje motiva. Ovu i mnoge druge pločice, kao i ukrase za nokte, možete poručiti sa sajta MoYou Nails. Predstavljeni proizvod sam dobila na iskrenu recenziju. Za više informacija vidite moju politiku rada.
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Born Pretty Green preko Don Juan OC229 |
In terms of quality this is your run of the mill MoYou Nails stamping plate - all designs are deep and well etched and they all transfer as they should. There is no need to look for scraping or transferring angles and directions. You can order this and many other stamping plates, along with nail decorations from MoYou Nails. They ship worldwide. I have received this product for an honest review. For additional info see my disclosure policy.
I like the black/green combo, it catches my eye very much!!
ReplyDeleteThanks. I'm glad something was eye-catching to you because I know this isn't your area of interest.
DeleteKrila su mi najzanimljivija. :)
ReplyDeleteMogla bi da se urade u nekom r'n'r maniru. :)
DeleteI really love them all! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you. :)
Deletecrno zeleno, ako ništa drugo, zbog boja :D
ReplyDeleteTo je dovoljno. :D
Deletesviđaju mi se kombinacije boja, barem nešto ;)
ReplyDeletemoja ljubav prema frenchu je općepoznata lol
Kao i moja, ali, eto, ova pečatiranja su mi zanimljiva.