30 September 2012


U septembru su mi napokon stigli lakovi koje sam dobila na NailsIT blogu, a lakoholičarski bogovi su se smilovali na mene i poslali su nove Essence lakove na sve štandove, Essence štandove u više prodavnica, a China Glaze lakove i sve drugo čega ima u Aleksandru u centar Beograda.

Remembrance - Angelique - Daisy - Elizabeth - Barnabas - Nfu.Oh 61

28 September 2012

Essence Colour & Go 43 Where is the party?

Danas je tematski petak posvećen duohrom lakovima. Ja sam odabrala Essence Where is the party. Uspešno sam odolevala ovom laku jer mi je delovao kao prilično uobičajen ljubičasto-zeleni duohrom. Onda sam na Lab Muffin blogu naišla na prikaz ovog laka koji je pokazao da je ovo zapravo multihrom i tada sam odlučila da on ipak mora biti moj. Naravno, zbog promene uvoznika Essence kozmetike nisam uspela da ga nađem u prodavnicama i ostala bih bez njega da ga Bebichica sa foruma Ana.rs nije ponudila za prodaju.

Today is themed Friday and the theme is duochrome polishes. I chose Essence Where is the party. I managed to resist this polish because it seemed to me to be a rather common green-purple duochrome. But after I had seen the review at Lab Muffin blog that showed that it is actually a multichrome I decided I had to have it. Of course, due to the change of the importer of Essence cosmetics I was unable to find it in stores before it was discontinued and I'd have been left empty-handed if it weren't for Bebichica from Ana.rs forum who offered it for sale.

25 September 2012

Don Juan Graffi Top GR 06

Nisam dugo mazala nikakav pucajući, a stoji mi jedan neisproban. Taman sam iskoristila relativno svetlu crvenu podlogu jučerašnjeg Flormara 365 da isprobam Don Juan crni pucajući lak, deo nagrade koju sam dobila u njihovom Graffi Top takmičenju.

It's been a while since I last wore a crackle polish, and I still have one untried. I took the relatively light base of my yesterday's mani to try black Don Juan crackle, a part of the prize I won at their Graffi Top contest.

24 September 2012

Flormar 365

Flormar 365 je lak koji mi zapravo ne treba. Uzela sam ga da ga uporedim sa Aura Hot & Chili, koji se više ne proizvodi. Dovoljno su slični da mi ovaj nije potreban pošto imam i rezervnu bočicu Hot & Chili.

Flormar 365 is a polish I don't really need. I bought it to compare it to Aura Hot & Chili, which has been discontinued. They are similar enough for me not to need this one, especially since I have a backup bottle of Hot & Chili.

21 September 2012

Essence Circus Circus 1 My Sparkling Acrobat

Circus Circus je trend kolekcija koju je Essence izbacio zimus. U njoj su se našla i četiri dvostruka laka za nokte, ali kod nas nije uvezan jedini koji sam želela. Kolekcija je odavno povučena, ali kod nas se ponešto još može naći u nekim DMovima u korpicama sa stvarima na sniženju. Tek tada sam odlučila da uzmem dva laka iz kolekcije, jer inače mislim da su ovakvi lakovi preskupi - skoro 400 dinara za 2x4 ml, a na popustu su oko 250 dinara.

Circus Circus is a limited edition Essence put on the market last winter. Among other things, it had four double polishes, but the only one I wanted had never been imported on Serbia. The collection has been long withdrawn, but some bits and pieces can still be found in our local drugstores, in discount bins.

18 September 2012

NailsIT Daisy

Napokon su lakovi koje sam dobila na NailsIT blogu stigli do mene. Dobila sam pet njenih lakova po mom izboru i Nfu.Oh 61. Ovo su prvi lakovi nezavisne proizvodnje koje imam i veliko mi je zadovoljstvo da ih predstavim. NailsIT lakovi su dostupni samo u SAD i, pretpostavljam, zemljama koje imaju PayPal.

The polishes I won at NailsIT giveaway finally reached me. I got five of her polishes of my choice and Nfu.Oh 61. These are the first indie polishes I have and it is my great pleasure to present them. NailsIT polishes are available in USA and, I guess, countries that have PayPal.

16 September 2012

Golden Rose Matte 05

Matte i Matte Velvet palete

Golden Rose Matte i Matte Velvet lakovi su relativno skoro uvezeni kod nas. Prvo sam mislila da su Matte matirani krem lakovi, a Matte Velvet matirani šimeri, ali izgleda da to nije slučaj pošto sam uzela Matte 07 i on ima šimer. Matte Velvet su svi sa šimerom. Bočica je od 11,5 ml. Rekla bih i da je sama bočica najveća mana ovih lakova jer je u pitanju zamatirano staklo, što onemogućava da se prava boja vidi. U parfimeriji Cristabell koštaju 160 dinara, a čujem da su u Kruševcu znatno skuplji (265 dinara).

Golden Rose Matte and Matte Velvet lines of polishes are relatively new on the market. At first I thought that Matte line consists of mattified cremes, and Matte Velvet of mattified shimmery polishes, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Matte Velvets are all shimmery, but I have Matte 07 and it has shimmer too. They come in 11.5 ml bottles. I'd say that the bottle itself is the biggest flaw of these polishes because it is a matte glass which makes the true colour of polish difficult to discern.

13 September 2012

Classics Charming 30

Ovo je poslednji Classics lak koji imam. Sasvim je moguće da će tako ostati jer nisam oduševljena izborom boja. Po kvalitetu su jednaki Golden Rose With Protein lakovima (isti je proizvođač), Golden Rose ima veći izbor boja i zapreminu (Golden Rose 12 ml, Classics Charming 7,5 ml).

This is the last Classics polish I have. It is possible that it'll stay that way because I'm not thrilled with the range of colours. The quality is the same as Golden Rose With Protein polishes (the manufacturer is the same), Golden Rose has a much broader range of colours and comes in larger packaging (Golden Rose 12 ml, Classics Charming 7,5 ml).

11 September 2012

Depend magnetic 6008

Drugi lak koji sam dobila preko Parokeets bloga je magnetni Depend 6008. Kao 6005, u pitanju je mini lak (5 ml) sa magnetom u vidu prstena koji pravi prugastu šaru. Meni je ovakav magnet zgodnije da koristim dok je zakačen na bočicu.

The second polish I won at Parokeets blog giveaway is Depend magnetic 6008. Like 6005, it is a mini (5 ml) with stripy magnet on a detachable ring. I find it easier to use this sort of magnet while it is attached to the bottle.

09 September 2012

Maybelline mini Colorama 16 Berry Sweet

Berry Sweet bez nadlaka

Maybelline mini Colorama 16 Berry Sweet je jedan od retkih lakova koje kupujem iznova i trenutno čak imam i jedan u rezervi. Takođe je jedan od čestih upita koji dovodi ljude do mog bloga pa mislim da je u redu da im pružim pravi prikaz. Mini Colorama lakovi su povučeni, ali nam je u Lilly drogerije stigla zasebna Colorama kolekcija šminke i među njima postoji Berry Sweet.

Maybelline mini Colorama 16 Berry Sweet is one of the few polishes I buy over and over again and even have a spare in my stash. This is also one of the more frequent enquires that bring people to my blog, so a full review would be in order. Mini Colorama line of polishes is discontinued, but we've got separate Maybelline Colorama make up counters in Lilly drugstores and Berry Sweet is available among the polishes.

08 September 2012

Žute ljuspice

zezalice za nokte

Kada sam u julu kupila ovu gomilu dekoracija za nokte, nisam bila sasvim sigurna kako ću da upotrebim neke od njih. Recimo ove žute ljuspice. Onda sam odlučila da započnem modifikovani 10 pan projekat i među proizvode odvojene za hitno trošenje sam ubacila Auru 176. Sličnost boje laka i ljuspica je presudila da na njemu isprobam čemu služe (a uz to i ne rade) ove ljuspice.

When I bought this bunch of nails decorations, I wasn't quite certain in what way I would use some of them. These yellow flakes, for instance. Then I started a modified project 10 pan and placed Aura 176 among products to be used up as soon as possible. The similarity between the colour of the polish and the flakes is what decided that I was to try these yellow flakes on this polish.

07 September 2012

Rimmel Lycra Wear 285 Pink Flash

Nikada mi nije bilo sasvim jasno zašto sam kupila Pink Flash. Nisam ja osoba za neupadljive i neutralne lakove, posebno ne ako u sebi imaju notu ružičaste. I pored toga sam potrošila pola bočice. Ostatak se zgusnuo pa sam sada morala da ga razređujem. Zbog toga mislim da mu ni boja ni pokrivna moć nisu iste kao što su nekada bile. Naravno, više se ne proizvodi. Mislim da je originalu od nama dostupnih lakova najsličniji Flormar Supershine 21.

I've never been quite certain why I had bought this polish in the first place. I'm not neutral, barely visible polish sort of person, particularly if they have pink sheen. Nevertheless, I spent half a bottle. The rest got all goopy so I had to thin it. I think that due to that neither its coverage, nor colour are the same as they used to be. Of course, this polish has too been discontinued. I think that the closest dupe to the original version of it is Flormar Supershine 21.

04 September 2012

Rimmel Lycra Pro 393 Desire

Ime ovog laka savršeno opisuje moje osećanje prema njemu od prvog momenta kada sam ga ugledala, što je bilo pre više od deset godina. Sećam se da sam ga nosila na doček Nove 2001. godine. Linija lakova kojoj je tada pripadao zvala se Lycra Wear i četkice su bile sasvim obične. U Lycra Pro liniji četkica je široka, pljosnata i zaobljenog vrha i ovo mi je bio prvi susret sa takvom četkicom. Desire se više ne proizvodi, a do ovog sam došla zahvaljujući velikodušnosti ljubazne forumašice i blogerke Ivane, koja mi ga je poslala kada je videla koliko čeznem za njim.

The name of this polish perfectly depicts my feeling for it from the moment I first saw it, which was over ten years ago. I remember I wore it for the New Year's eve in 2000. The line of polishes it was from was called Lycra Wear at that time, and the brush was an ordinary brush. In Lycra Pro line the brush is very wide, flat and with a rounded tip and this was my first experience with such brush. Desire is discontinued and I got this one thanks to the generous fellow blogger and Ana member, Ivana, who sent me hers after she'd seen how much I yearned for it.

03 September 2012

Teget Flert sa zelenim šljokicama

Flert lakovi su najnovije čedo, ili možda nedonošče, kompanije Londessa. Poslednjih nekoliko meseci ponuda njihovih Venezia i Color line lakova je veoma loša, a Flert su se pojavili. Koliko sam mogla da vidim, boje su manje-više iste kao Color line, ali pakovanje je veće. Color line imaju 5 ml, a Flert 10 ml. Šta upadljivo nedostaje Flert lakovima je ikakva oznaka boje - broj, šifra, naziv. Ne mogu reći gde ih sve ima u nabavci jer sam i ja sasvim slučajno naletela na ovaj po pljačkaškoj ceni od 120 dinara na Palilulskoj pijaci. Čujem da su drugde oko 70 dinara. Znam samo da ih nema u Višnjica parfimerijama, koje su držale Londessa lakove.

Flert is the latest product from Londessa. In the last several months Venezia and Color line polishes are hard to find, and Flert showed up. From what I could see, the colours are more or less the same as Color line, but the packaging is bigger. Color line are 5 ml and Flert 10 ml. What Flert polishes are quite prominently missing is any sort of colour identification - number, code or name.

teget Flert

01 September 2012

Astor Fash'n Studio 110 i Golden Rose Quick Dry Top Coat

Astor Fash'n Studio 110 - Astor Fash'n Studio 111

Fash'n Studio je jedna od tri linije lakova za nokte koje Astor ima. U pitanju su mini lakovi (6 ml) u nešto zanimljivijim bojama od onih koje imaju u preostale dve linije. Mada na bočici ne piše skoro ništa, na sajtu se može naći paleta boja i lista sastojaka. Takođe na sajtu piše da se nanosi ujednačeno, da je intenzitet boje i sjaja visok i da lak traje do pet dana. Astor kozmetika se može nabaviti u Mauricius parfimerijama u Beogradu, a Fash'n Studio lakovi koštaju 175 dinara.

Fash'n Studio is one of the three Astor nail polish lines. These are minis (6 ml) in somewhat more interesting colours than polishes in other two lines. Even though the label on the bottle gives very little information, the website gives the colour palette and the list of ingredients. It is also stated on the website that it is applied evenly, that it has high colour and shine intensity and that it lasts up to 5 days.
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